Hydroseeding package chosen on Wind Farm Reinstatement Project

The Problem 

A new client has chosen one of our Hydroseeding packages as part of a reinstatement project on a completed Wind Farm.

Wind Farms by their nature are often located in very remote locations, which requires access tracks to be built during the construction process. On completion of the construction process, one of the final parts of the project is to reinstate access tracks and disturbed ground back to full vegetation.

These areas range in lengths and gradients, meaning they can provide a real challenge to revegetate.

With very steep slopes, and ground that was lacking in organic matter, nutrients and biological activity which is essential to sustainable vegetative establishment, and no option to top soil the areas, our client was faced with a difficult situation.

The Proposed Solution 

Once we were approached, and after consultation with our technical supply partner, we proposed the combined use of our Proganics biotic soil media and FlexTerra mulch media.

Proganics is designed as a topsoil alternative that accelerates the development of depleted soils/substrates. Proganics is not a direct replacement for topsoil, but it provides an abundant source of organic matter and soil building components.

FlexTerra mulch media is designed for hydroseeding applications on steep gradients and has a proven performance history within these difficult and challenging applications, which can be subjected to significant water run off,

Our tailored proposal also included the use of a Highland seed mix, which will ensure the revegetated areas will match their surroundings.

Our hydroseeding team started work on this remote project yesterday, as well as making good progress, our team are also enjoying the stunning views.

Once this project is finished in the next few days, we will monitor how the treated areas development over the coming months. If you are in need of a hydroseeding package of any kind please contact us to discuss.