RePeat Blocks

RePeat Blocks

The erosion of hillside streams and burns is a major issue for estates when trying to encourage the growth of Sphagnum moss, as well as controlling the flow rate of water cascading down hillsides after heavy rain fall.

Gullies form allowing peat to be washed from the hill into watercourses below which can cause biodiversity issues along with allowing carbon being lost to the atmosphere.

Our Flex MSE RePeat Blocks provide a cost effective, practical and sustainable solution for repairing eroded hillside streams and burns.

Flex MSE RePeat Blocks are manufactured from virgin materials which do not leach and are non-toxic.

Flex MSE RePeat Blocks are filled with a sand / compost mix and once installed they can be vegetated by a number of means including hydro-seeding, plug planting or simply allow the blocks to vegetate naturally as water levels quickly return and encourage Sphagnum moss growth.

For applications where Flex MSE RePeat Blocks will be submerged 100% of the time they can be filled with gravel, or similar, including site won materials, in which blocks can be filled on location.

Installation of Flex MSE RePeat Blocks is quick, easy and can be serviced by Estate staff. Installation can take a quarter of the time required from more traditional shuttering. They are also very easy to transport by standard estate transport.

Blocks are placed and bonded using interconnecting plates, no mechanical plant is required for installation, the only equipment required is a spade and a hand tamper and when combined with a couple of willing team members, repairs can be serviced rapidly.

Flex MSE RePeat Blocks come with a 120-year design life (once fully vegetated) which means once you have repaired your erosion issue, you will not have to repeat the repair a few years later, which is common when using wooden dam structures.

The added benefit of Flex MSE RePeat Blocks is once vegetated your erosion repair will become carbon negative!

Aside from erosion repairs on hillside streams and burns, Flex MSE RePeat Blocks can be used for, but not limited to, the following applications around your estate:

  • Erosion repairs / protection for river banks, lochs, reservoirs and roads
  • Silt control
  • Culvert head walls
  • Retaining Walls
  • Landscaping
  • Vegetated shooting butts


Contact Information

To discuss our custom made RePeat Blocks please contact us for further information.

Mains of Craichie
By Forfar